Capital Management

Capital Management

Elevated Financial Expertise

Our investment professionals have the financial acumen that can only come from decades of experience working with families of significant wealth. Expertise, refined judgment, and curated access to accomplished managers and negotiated credit facilities allows Canopy to deliver sophisticated financial solutions to client members.

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Led by our experienced portfolio management team, our discretionary investment management is comprehensive and always tailored to client circumstances. It includes the following key elements:

Development of a Investment Policy Statement (IPS).

Portfolio design, construction, manager selection, tax-loss harvesting, monitoring, benchmarking, and measurement.

Full use of all investment resources, systems, and risk management including Canopy Investment Reporting.

Consideration of equities, fixed-income securities, and funds.

Consideration of private market funds, hedge funds, real estate, and direct investments.

Customized mandates such as concentrated equity positions, call writing/hedging, existing managers, and impact investment goals.

Frequent client communication, access to managers, and educational opportunities.

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In cases where clients have existing portfolios or assets at other custodians or in the care of other investment management firms, we do not seek to unseat these managers but rather look to engage and integrate them into a holistic, complete investment process.

Integration of the manager/assets into the global Investment Policy (IPS).

Review of purpose, strengths/risks, sizing, and continued applicability.

Oversight, benchmarking, measurement, and monitoring of investment performance.

Includes observations, opinions, and recommendations based on the assessment and performance monitoring.

Tax-loss harvesting and 1099/K-1 organization are strategies aimed at optimizing tax efficiency within the investment portfolio.

Integration into Canopy Investment Reporting is emphasized to ensure comprehensive tracking and reporting of investment activities.

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Canopy maintains relationships with a variety of financial institutions and with client authorization can coordinate their banking experience.

Our clients often utilize credit to better supplement cashflow needs, tax payments, and capital calls. Canopy can design, specify, and negotiate credit rates and terms on behalf of client members. Products secured may include personal lines of credit, bridge or acquisition financing, real estate financing, interest rate derivatives (swaps).

High yielding cash and liquidity deposit accounts are also available to our client members assuring them their idle cash is always working for them.

Specially designed Treasury Management services can be explored and configured for clients who have high volume bill pay, recurring money movement, currency or other unique banking needs.

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The Canopy CFO team is experienced and credentialed across the key areas of:

This service includes portfolio accounting, which involves the tracking and management of investment portfolios to ensure accurate record-keeping and reporting of financial assets.

Managing tax liabilities is a crucial aspect of financial planning, involving strategies to minimize tax obligations and optimize tax efficiency.

Preparation of financial statements is an important part of financial reporting, ensuring that accurate and organized financial information is available for review and decision-making.

Cashflow projections involve forecasting future cash inflows and outflows to help clients plan for their financial needs and obligations.

Balance sheet management focuses on maintaining a client’s financial health by optimizing their assets and liabilities to achieve financial stability and growth.

What Does Success Look Like at Canopy Partners?

We’ll integrate every aspect of your family’s complex financial activities, help you invest with conviction and purpose, and prepare the rising generation with a shared vision of stewardship. That’s what success looks like. That’s what’s possible with Canopy Partners.

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